
A compost accelerator, also known as a compost activator or compost starter, is a product designed to enhance the composting process by providing beneficial microorganisms and nutrients that promote the decomposition of organic matter. While composting can occur naturally, adding a compost accelerator can help speed up the process and improve the overall quality of the finished compost. Here's what a compost accelerator typically does:

  1. Introduces Beneficial Microorganisms:
    • Compost accelerators often contain a mix of beneficial microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that play a crucial role in breaking down organic materials. These microorganisms help initiate and speed up the decomposition process.
  2. Provides Essential Nutrients:
    • Some compost accelerators include additional nutrients that act as a food source for microorganisms. Nitrogen is particularly important, as it is a key component in the structure of proteins and enzymes involved in the decomposition of organic matter.
  3. Balances Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratio:
    • Achieving the right carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio is essential for efficient composting. Compost accelerators often contain nitrogen-rich materials (green components) to balance the carbon-rich materials (brown components) commonly found in compost piles.
  4. Enhances Heat Generation:
    • Composting is an aerobic process that generates heat. The activity of microorganisms, especially thermophilic bacteria, can raise the temperature in the compost pile. Compost accelerators help create and maintain the conditions for higher temperatures, which can accelerate the breakdown of organic matter.
  5. Reduces Odors:
    • Properly balanced and active compost piles are less likely to produce unpleasant odors. Compost accelerators can help create an environment where beneficial microorganisms dominate, reducing the likelihood of anaerobic conditions that lead to bad smells.
  6. Speeds Up Decomposition:
    • By providing the necessary microorganisms and nutrients, compost accelerators help speed up the decomposition of organic materials. This can result in a quicker turnaround time for producing finished compost.
  7. Improves Compost Quality:
    • Compost accelerators contribute to the production of high-quality compost by promoting the breakdown of a wide range of organic materials, including tougher substances like woody materials.
  8. Facilitates Even Decomposition:
    • Some compost accelerators are formulated to break down specific types of organic matter, ensuring a more even and thorough decomposition process. This can be particularly useful when dealing with compost piles that contain diverse materials.

It's important to note that while compost accelerators can be beneficial, they are not always necessary. A well-balanced mix of green and brown materials, proper aeration, and moisture management can naturally support the composting process. Compost accelerators can be especially helpful in situations where the compost pile may lack certain microorganisms or nutrients needed for efficient decomposition.

Kompost accelerator

En bakterie mix som snabbar på nedbrytningen av organiskt material i en kompost


  • Tar bort lukt i komposten
  • Höjer temperaturen i komposten
  • Snabbare komposteringstid
  • Du vet att du har rätt bakterier till komposten

Fungerar på:

  • Grönt eller tort gräsklipp
  • Ogräs
  • Löv
  • Buskklipp
  • Grönsaksrester och skal

Om du inte får komposten till att brinna eller kompostera, så är det med stor säkerhet fel bakterier i komposten. De allra flesta bakterier dör när temperaturen når 50 C, det gör att komposten inte självantänder på grund av att temperaturen är för låg och  får därmed dålig kompostering. Våra bakterier tål högre temperaturer och kan ta komposttemperaturen ytterligare 10-15 C. Vid runt 60-65 C börjar komposten självantända och bör komma upp i minst 75 C där alla svampar, bakterier och där även våra bakterier dör. Det är vid denna temperatur som komposten "hygieniseras". Det är det som kallas att en kompost "brinner"

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